Product Information
Fields marked with a red asterisk (*)
are required.
Code Review History
Please select all statements that apply
to the product being submitted. At least one statement is required. If
selecting statement 2, 3, 4, or 5, provide Document Control Numbers
(DCNs) from previous application(s).
If selected statements 2, 3, 4, or 5 above provide Document
Control Number(s) (DCN) from previous application(s)
Product Description and Details
Provide product information as it should appear on the Product
Classification List (PCL). Only one product (including accessories and
supplies) should be submitted per application. If the product was
previously coded by other insurers or agencies, provide the code(s)
The company name provided here will be displayed on
the product classification list. If the name provided is neither the
Manufacturer or Distributor as entered in the Contact Information
section of this application, documentation supporting the business
association (e.g. Private Label Agreement, etc.) is required before
submitting the application. Failure to upload this information may
result in rejection of the application.
If exempt, enter FDA Exemption Regulation Number.
Note: Must submit a copy of the 510K letter
Provide a detailed and complete description of the product.
Include all functional information, beneficiary information, and any
manufacturing information that supports the requested code. You may
also upload this information.
List all standard component(s) included in the base product
(i.e. power cords, batteries, arm rest, etc.), if applicable.
For durable medical equipment (DME), specify the minimum expected
lifetime for the equipment in months and/or years. When available,
upload life cycle testing information as supporting documentation. Important:
This does not apply to supplies or accessories necessary for the
effective use of DME.
Product Model and Requested HCPCS
Detail all product model information and provide rationale for
all requested Level II HCPCS codes. If product was previously coded by
other insurers include the information within rationale. Up to 50
models may be added per application.
Accessories and Supplies
List any DME accessories or supplies necessary for the function
of the product that require individual code review.